Strategy Videos
The PC TALK Strategy Videos describe each of the PC TALK strategies and show examples of how adults can use the strategies in home and child care settings. These brief videos, which are 2-3 minutes in length, can be shared with families, caregivers, and teachers.
Arranging the Environment (Eng)
Following the Child's Lead (Eng)
Comment & Label (Eng)
Imitating & Expanding (Eng)
Asking Open-Ended Questions (Eng)
Fill-in-the-Blank (Eng)
Positive Attention (Eng)
Providing Choices (Eng)
PC TALK Strategies (Eng)
A 20-minute video combining brief clips of all the PC TALK strategies.
Arranging the Environment (Sp)
Following the Child's Lead (Sp)
Comment & Label (Sp)
Imitating & Expanding (Sp)
Asking Open-Ended Questions (Sp)
Time Delay - Fill in the Blank (Sp)
Positive Attention (Sp)
Providing Choices (Sp)
PC TALK Strategies (Sp)
A 20-minute video combining brief clips of all the PC TALK strategies.