by amyturcotte | Feb 8, 2021
Ways to Follow the Child's Lead Click to view the Handout...
by amyturcotte | Feb 8, 2021
Environment: Technology TipsTechnology is everywhere, but pediatric professional encourage us to limit screen time for young children. If you have questions about techonology and your child, your pediatrician is there is answer your questions. Here are some ideas to...
by amyturcotte | Feb 8, 2021
Environment: BooksBuild a love of reading from an early age by being strategic about how you place and use books. Click to view the Handout...
by amyturcotte | Feb 8, 2021
Environment: Tips for Smoother TransitionsTransitions can be challenging for children. Explaining what is next or using a familiar song or game can help children move more easily from one activity to another and provide opportunities to practice communication. Click...
by amyturcotte | Feb 8, 2021
Environment: Schedules & RoutinesConsistent and familiar activities that happen around the same time and in a similar way each day provide a sense of security and predictability to young children. They help build trust so children can experience and practice...